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Dear Childless Working Mariah

Dear Childless Working Mariah, I remember you. You wake up pretty much when you want. You eat pretty much what you want. You have your days pretty well scheduled out in beautiful organizers that you spent hours looking at to decide the perfect one. You have money to spend on random stuff like coffee cups and kitchen accessories. You are married, but you really aren’t tethered to anything. You are so free.   Yet I know that there’s this dream growing inside your heart, despite yourself. You know you have a great life and sometimes you think you would prefer if things really stayed the way they are. But then you dream about a baby boy, with bright blue eyes and white blond hair and something inside of you yearns. It yearns not just for a child, but for a family. To have your own unit. Your own traditions. You don’t know what it would all look like, but you are beginning to want to find out.  I just wanted to write you this letter to let you know that I had a couple days lat

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